Minggu, 03 Mei 2020

3 tips to start a property business and 3 Tips to optimize it

Property is one of profitable investment options. Because the price will be higher year over year. If you want to learn about the property, there are a few things to consider well.

A business property must have a good negotiation skill. With good negotiation, the marketed property will definitely be sold out. Well, in addition, for the newly pioneered business property there are several stages that should be passed if you want to succeed in business property. What is it?

1. Start building a land buying and selling business
Every effort must be profitable. Likewise with property business. However, the difference in property business has a percentage of 1% only. The rest is profit. Why so? Of course because the price of land, house prices, and anything related to the property will continue to rise and evolve annually.

Before starting a large property business, you can first start by buying a land sale. You can work with agents, friends, or even families. However, of course there must be a cooperation agreement with your partner later.

The Perjajian can be a description of the amount of capital of each party, the Commission, and the way you work with them. If you don't have any experience at all, don't worry about this business. Because the value of land will not change like the car that each year has decreased.

When you start this business, one thing that you have to hold until the business develops and is successful, which is confidence and honesty. Both of these are mandatory to you to create or build a buyer's trust in you.

Provide valid and honest information-honestly should you do. If this business is running, you can start stepping into the property business, such as making a kavling house or selling land already divided per kavling. So on until the business is propagate in the farther direction and gives you a big profit.

Want to profit investment property? Identify Property price determination

Investment opportunities in the property sector always seem to be potential. If you have a desire to achieve financial freedom and have a soul investor in the property sector, there is no harm in learning about business and investing in this property.

In choosing a decent property, there is at least a knowledge supply of sorts of property prices that need to be known before diving in the business. Thus, one of the tips for investors who intend to invest in the property sector is not only to be on the price of NJOP (value selling tax) only.

Why? Because NJOP prices are usually not as accurate as the prevailing market price. Therefore, if you are accustomed to investing in property, it is certainly not a secret anymore. That the market price will usually be more than the price of NJOP. Therefore, we recommend doing research on the market price of the property that was targeted first before the transaction.

For that, it is necessary to know the kinds of property prices and how to rate them. Because, it is the basis for you to get a reasonable price or hot deal and cash back.

How to know the different kinds of property prices
There are many factors that determine property prices

One of the important messages to remember is not to be emotionally tied to the property you want to buy. Because the main purpose is as a business tool, not for your residence. Here are the kinds of property pricing you should know:

1. Need to know the price of transaction alias Real Price

The price at the time of buying and selling is actually the price of the transaction from that property. If you get the price below the liquidation ikan koi price, it will certainly benefit from the buyer. Conversely, if it can sell at a higher price, then it will definitely benefit the seller.

2. Understand new reproductive prices

The new reproductive price is land price around plus the new building price. So this price is the sum between the market land price in the area with the price of newly constructed building using the latest material cost.

This price can also be called a replacement cost. This price is commonly used by developers or developers to market newly established properties.

To do so, do not be deceived that the price of land offered exceeds the market price. Sometimes, it's just the way developers get extra profit. Also, make sure you need to have the price data of the building according to the current material price.

3. What is demand price?

Well, next in the World property There is also the term price request. What is it? The price of demand is usually also called emotional price. The price of the request is the property price offered by the seller to the prospective buyer.

Quite a lot of sellers set the prices of their property emotionally. For example, if the house sold was used as a place of residence or occupied by a famous person (public figure), then the House will usually be offered at a price that is quite high compared to the market price.

For that, you should be a potential buyer who wants to invest in a property can not be easily hooked with these kinds of things. Stay thorough with the price of property market in the area and make sure the price you agreed to is still within reasonable limit.

4. Understand what is market price

One of the things to be understood before you invest in this property sector is to understand what the market price is. In the world of property, the market price is a new reproductive price (land prices plus new building prices) are reduced by depreciation of the value of the building.

For example, a house was newly constructed at a price of RP500 million. Later in the third year, the value of the house was reduced due to various factors, such as damaged building conditions and others.

Well, the reduction in the value of the house is usually about 5% of the initial price. But keep in mind, although the value of the building is reduced or shrinking, but the value of the soil is not diminished. Instead, the value of the land will continue to increase as time goes by.

Therefore, it can be a property price with a long-standing building. Due to depreciation of the building price is much smaller than the increase in the land market price is the location of the building.

5. Know the selling price fast

Well, this quick selling price is certainly no stranger in the ears. When someone is in need of fresh funds, he/she will sell what they have and allow for sale, no exception home.

Fast selling price is usually used by the bank as a benchmark price for interpretation. This price is also called as liquidation price, because usually if there is a bad credit, the bank will sell the collateral property under the market price.

Generally for lending, this price becomes a reference. The magnitude is about 80% of the property's market price. Meanwhile, for the remaining 20%, it is a security level limitation for the bank. For a quick sale, the buyer is interested and the trading process becomes faster.

How to assess a property on sale?

Property Assessment

Assessing the price of a property is important

After learning about the different selling price of the property, you will also need to learn how to interpret or estimate the price of the property you are inciting. To do so, there are some tips that you can make a guide in doing business in the property sector so as not to misstep in making decisions.

There are several ways to assess a property that is sold. What are you? Check out the following:

1. Know the property price determination of the local government

You need to know the property price set by the local government. Usually each region has different property price provisions. Look for information on property prices in the area from local government officials such as village, sub-district, or district level.

Property price information can be obtained there because every transaction that occurs generally listed in the Government office. In addition, banks are also conducting assessments by first comparing the local government offices, especially at the office of the Land Agency.

2. Can cooperate with property brokerage

In order to obtain the correct interpretation of the property price, you can also cooperate with the property brokerage. But instead, before choosing a broker, make sure the review about the agent is good enough.

Check out their past performance results to be more confident. Pilot a professional agent and have enough flying hours. Because with the long experience they have, then the data on their trading property will certainly also be more complete, right?

So you'll get the information you need quickly. Because usually there are some additional information that is usually less understandable to the layman about the development of an area, so it affects the property prices in the area.

3. Take your Own market survey

The way to assess the next property is to conduct its own market survey. This is important, because by conducting a survey of the market itself, then we know exactly the condition of the property directly without intermediaries.

How? You can inquire directly with the surrounding population. While this is quite a lot of time and effort, it is quite effective. Because you will get actual data. So the price you get will be according to the market price.

4. Feel free to use professional assessment experts

Lastly, do not hesitate to use professional and independent property assessment staff. Usually, when applying for credit, the bank will generally conduct an assessment of the property to be used by its prospective customers.

So that the bank will usually also apply for the power of professional assessment they have to interpret the price of prospective customers. This is done in order to avoid costly interpretation fees. And you can also submit your own assessment personnel.

Therefore, we recommend that you use an energy assessment that is outside of working hours, so the cost will be much cheaper but the assessment given remains as appropriate.

Take profit from property investment with the right strategy

Assessing a property is not an easy thing. However, estimating property prices is also not a difficult thing. All of that can be done well and get the right price and reasonable in the above ways. So there is no losing term in business or investment sector of the property that you will do later.

You just need the right strategy, your good and patience to do the necessary ways, so you get the best price. Therefore, do not hesitate to always ask and find out the necessary information. Thinking of cooking first before deciding on a property to buy will be much better than just doing it. Instead of profit, even a bprofit, who knows?

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